
Saturday, 26 December 2009

While you were sleeping

While I am enjoying the dark Amsterdam night
You are already asleep

Hope to enjoy our nights soon together...

But do remember I always pray for you and think of you,
Even while you were sleeping :)

inspired by Peo Kindgren's while you were sleeping
ams, eind 2010, always be deeply in love with you


We will not go quietly into the night
We will not vanish without a fight
We're going to live on
We're going to survive

Bill Pullman in Independence Day

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Be it White or Green,

It sure is a very Merry Christmas

Many blessings and smiles be upon us

*Photo's grabbed from Lima's

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

I wonder if he's for real, really.. really

He looks so Indonesian, with dark hair, dark complexion,
Just typical your compandre from back home

Yet he speaks so awkward
With a multiple hastely "Ja ja ja ja" in any other sentences
Just like a local Dutch
When he speaks our local language of Bahasa

And I wonder
What's with this guy?
He seems so reluctant to speak a good Bahasa,
Though he can't either speak good Dutch nor English

So, I scrunched my eyes, staring at this poor fellow
I really don't understand how to speak to him
And I really don't have a clue of how to put my reaction in a polite arrangement

Then it came to me, hard...
Just smile and nod, smile and nod
So I did just that, even widened my eyes every now and then

"Ja ja ja ja
Dari mana? sampai berapa lama? Ja ja ja ja"

C'mon, is this guy for real? of course the answer is Ja ja ja ja

Amsterdam,end 2010, in a confused state.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Wish you were here

And I'm sure you'll be here soon,
It's just our path,
Though we never imagine it has to be like this

But let's have some more patience
And pray unceasingly

Miss you a whole lot

Thursday, 10 December 2009

And I Inhaled

The morning was still dark and freezing,
but I had to take my bike out of the garage,
striving to take it to the nearest Metro station.

Ah, there was a lift.. easy pizzy..
I can smell amoniac inside the lift, pretty disgusting
But what to do ? I just chit-chatting with my friend, keeping up with the latest office gossips.
Oops and off.. We got off the metro, pedalling to the next station

Oh no, the lift was broken now, and we had to take the bike up on the elevator
I almost lost my balance, but managed to land safely to the top
Off we go to the next metro stop..

Chit chat chit chat.. The laugh kept us warm in the dark Amsterdam morning..
And the next challenge came, i have to bring the bike down through the narrow path on the ladder
Yup, it's me against the bike.. And me won :)

Time flew so fast in the misty weather
It's after office hour now and I had to rekindle my morning activity
Ah, it's still drizzling and freezing all the way through the 7 km drive home

It felt surreal to finally arrive home

And I inhaled

What a day
What a struggle

Monday, 30 November 2009

between here, there and satisfaction

At times like these
Where the heat hits my head
Where every clothes I wear seems too thick

How I long for a cool breeze of wind

But when it becomes too cold
And I could not even lock my ride out of shivering
Where liters of soup can't even do the job

How I long for a little bit of the heat

Contentment is indeed overrated

Monday, 9 November 2009

Another day of ours

It's just a phase,
Of meticulous works and observations,
Lack of sleep,
Caffeine overdose,

Yet we learn to pray unceasingly,
And smile along the process
While keep repeating
"It's just a phase of our beautiful life"

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

What's in SBY's mind now?

Ya, SBY the Indonesian president

With all the politic turmoils, the corrupted staffs, the natural disasters...

Loud sounds from demonstrators, newspapers, televisions...

All these problems are packed into his head...

What's he thinking right now? What keeps flashing in his mind?

It's 15 past 12 noon, he must be thinking of lunch.

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Whose Journey?

This question remains unanswered..

It would be too selfish to write my own (read : too boring)

Those of celebrities'? Naaa, enough of television gossip already

It's the journey of :
- A guy passing by
- A woman trying to sniff a melon in a busy market
- An old lady in front of dell computer
- A little girl in front of a mirror

It's mine, it's yours, it's theirs.. It's a little of everything from everybody..