
Thursday, 15 March 2012

Waiting for our little joy

Yes, we are expecting our first child.
After 7,5 years of waiting and trying
Tears, laughters, dissapointments, joys, angers, and in the end... full surrender.

I remember sometimes around 2 years ago, my prayer was :
"God, you gave me the best husband I could ever ask for. He's my best friend, my helper, the home for my soul. I don't dare to ask for more. If you want to give us children, it's really an extra blessing from You".
I felt so serene, that God bless us with this relationship that we have.

And last August, after spending 1 month of vacation in Indonesia, we found out that we're 7 weeks pregnant. Our response at that time was 'in awe'. We thought we would be jumping up and down out of happiness, but we just could not do it. It's just so surreal.

The 13 weeks ultrasound was a magical moment. I just couldn't believe that the little baby was there, dancing his little fingers. He paused when we tried to peek his little moves, like he's been caught in an embarrassing silly dance he's putting on.

Now I'm almost in my 37 weeks of pregnancy. It's getting tough to walk, and more to sleep. To eat, let alone reading for my assignments. But my discomfort is nothing compared to the joy of feeling the little us moving, kicking, dancing (sometimes i think he's doing a mix of kickboxing and karate) inside my body.

Our prayers are for safe delivery, having him sound and healthy in our arms. Raising him to be a blessing to others around him.

Upon waiting for our little joy to arrive, we pause and look back at our journey.
Yes, still in awe.

-copenhagen, waiting....-

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